Located primarily in Fayette County, Ohiopyle State Park encompasses about 19,052 acres of rugged natural beauty and serves as the gateway to the Laurel Mountains. The focal point of the area is the more than 14 miles of the Youghiogheny [yaw-ki-gay-nee] River Gorge that passes through the heart of the park. The ?Yough? [yawk] provides some of the best whitewater boating in the Eastern U. S. as well as spectacular scenery. Surrounding Ohiopyle Falls is the Falls Day Use Area, the central point for the casual visitor. This area provides parking, modern restrooms, gift shop/snack bar, and overlook platforms with magnificent scenery.
Camping: modern sites, some with electricity
Kentuck Campground is open from the beginning of March to late December. There are 226 campsites, 27 of which are walk-ins that have more privacy but require a short hike from the vehicle to the campsite. All campsites have a picnic table, fire ring and parking space, and the campground has washhouses with hot water and flush toilets, four children?s play areas, and a sanitary dumping station. A few campsites have electric hookups and more are planned for the future. There are three platform tents. These pre-pitched tents have electric hookups, dining canopy, mattresses, picnic tables, and fire ring. Advance reservations are required to insure campsite availability.
Organized Group Tenting:
Qualified adult and youth groups may use this area which is equipped with picnic tables, water and flush toilets. Groups may use a 20-person area or multiple sites for larger gatherings. The area is open from April 14 to December 14. Advance reservations are recommended.
Anglers can enjoy fishing in the Youghiogheny River, Meadow Run and several creeks. Species include trout, smallmouth bass and walleye. The river is stocked with rainbow trout annually by local fish commissions. Fly-fishing enthusiasts will appreciate the catch-and-release fly-fishing area on Meadow Run.
Ohiopyle State Park is located near Connellsville, Somerset and Uniontown
Two picnic areas provide picnic tables, grills, restrooms, charcoal disposal areas and reservable pavilions. The secluded Cucumber Run Picnic Area is adjacent to Cucumber Run, a beautiful creek lined with rhododendron bushes and large trees. The scenic Great Gorge Trail begins in this picnic area. Tharp Knob Picnic Area is adjacent to the Tharp Knob Overlook that provides a panoramic view of the Youghiogheny River Gorge and the town of Ohiopyle. The picnic area has a large ball field, volleyball court, playground, two pavilions and access to the Kentuck Trail and loop hiking trails.
Snowmobiling: The 3.8 miles of Sugarloaf Trail and the 9.4 miles of trails in the Sugarloaf Snowmobile and Mountain Biking Area are available with proper snow cover. The Sugarloaf snowmobile area has a parking area with an unloading ramp.
Cross-country Skiing: There are 33.9 miles of trails. The Sproul Trails and a section of the Kentuck Trail were created for cross-country skiing. With deep snowfall, the Youghiogheny River Trail is good for cross-country skiing.
Sledding/Tobogganing: A hill is maintained for sledding in the Surgarloaf Snowmobile and Mountain Bike Area. The hill is adjacent to the parking area.
Birdwatchers can enjoy over 200 species of birds, including raptors and waterfowl. The park offers birding programs for enthusiasts. There are numerous trails ideal for spotting various avian species in their natural habitats. Spring migration is a particularly good time to visit due to the influx of warblers and other migratory birds.
The park offers a wide variety of environmental education and interpretive programs. Through hands-on activities, guided walks and evening programs, participants gain appreciation, understanding and develop a sense of stewardship toward natural and cultural resources. Programs focus on the Youghiogheny River, its gorge, and the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the Ohiopyle area. Curriculum-based environmental education programs are available to schools and youth groups. Teacher workshops are available. Group programs must be arranged in advance and may be scheduled by calling the Train Station/Visitor?s Center at 724-329-0986. Programs are offered from March through November.
Nicklow's Wholesale Live Bait
7315 National Pike
Addison, PA
(814) 395-3931
S & S Bait & Tackle
2903 National Park
Chalk Hill, PA
(724) 438-3871
Lodge at Chalk Hill
Route 40
Chalk Hill, PA
(724) 438-8880
Ohio Pyle Lodge
3184 National Pike
Farmington, PA
(724) 329-4452
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
1001 Lafayette Dr
Farmington, PA
(724) 329-8555
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort & Spa: Golf Academy
1001 La Fayette Dr
Farmington, PA
(724) 329-6900

Cottages and Cabins
For those who like to fish for wild trout...this is the place to be Savage River Outfitters is a full line Orvis Dealer and Fly Shop with vacation rentals located on the Savage River in Western Maryland. Call ahead to book a half or full day wade trip or fly fishing instructions.
27.1 miles from park*
Special Directions for Large RVs to Kentuck Campground: SR 2019 is very steep. Large RVs should avoid this road and take PA 40 to SR 2010 (Chalk Hill-Ohiopyle Rd.) Follow it for eight miles to a stop sign. Go straight to the campground.
From the West: From the PA Turnpike, take Exit 91, Donegal. Turn left onto PA 31 east. Travel about two miles, turn right onto PA 711 and PA 381 south. Travel ten miles to Normalville (first stop sign), turn left onto PA 381 south for 11 miles to Ohiopyle.
From the East: From the PA Turnpike, take Exit 110, Somerset. Take PA 281 south 25 miles to Confluence. Continue three miles up hill and at the church, turn right onto Sugarloaf Road, SR 2012. Continue nine miles to Ohiopyle.
From the South (DC, MD, VA): Take I-270 north to Frederick, then I-70 west to Hancock, then Rt. 40 and I-68 through Cumberland. Take Exit 14 (Keysers Ridge) to Rt. 40 west to Farmington, PA. Turn right onto PA 381 north for eight miles to Ohiopyle.
From the South (WV): Take I-79 North to I-68 east. Take Bruceton Mills Exit to Rt. 26 north. At the PA border it becomes PA 281 north. Turn left onto PA 40 west, to Farmington, turn right onto PA 381 north to Ohiopyle.