Friend of Stateparks Photo Gallery
Photographer: Wes Gerber
Big Sable River
Walking bridge over the Big Sable River
SS Badger
Car Ferry coming into Ludington from Wisconsin
Dune Hill
Skyline trail dunes
Lost Lake Boardwalk
Lost Lake Boardwalk at Beechwood Campground
Beach house
Lake Michigan Beach House
Big Sable River
Big Sable meets Lake Michigan
Ludington Dunes
Dunes as seen from the Big Sable Lighthouse.
Visitor Center
Great Lakes Visitor Center
Bike Path
Great bike trails
Lake Michigan
Shoreline in front of Beachhouse.
Hamlin Dam
Dam between Hamlin Lake Big Sable River
Muskallonge Lake
Beach area at Muskallonge
Lake Superior Sunset
Lake Superior Beach at Muskallonge
Muskegon Channel
Tugboat leaving the channel at Muskegon State Park.
X-C Trail
Cross Country trail at Muskegon State Park
Lake of the Clouds
Bird's-eye view of the Lake of the Clouds.
Lake Superior
Lake Superior coastline at Presque Isle Campground.
Kettle River
Whitewater kayak country
Beaver Creek
Taken from the swinging bridge.
Cascade River
The Cascades waterfalls.
Frontenac Entrance
Park entrance.
Nerstrand Big Woods entrance
Hiking Trail
Trail to Hidden Falls
Mississippi River Valley
View from trail.
Great River Bluffs Entrance
Note OL Kipp park has been renamed Great River Bluffs
Hiding Spot
Hollow log on the Big Woods Trail
Cart-in Camping
Camp site in the cart-in campground.
Split Rock Lighthouse
View from a kayak
Day Hill spring view
View of Lake Superior from Day Hill lookout.
Temperance River
Beautiful Temperance River
Cart-in Campsite
Cart-in campsite at Tettegouche
Swimming Beach
Great day for a swim.
Trail bridge
Bridge over the whitewater river.
High Falls
Pigeon River High Falls
Eagle Tower
Eagle Tower lookout located in the state park.
Eagle Bluff Lighthouse
Lighthouse located in the state park.