Jim Hogg is 178.4 acres of East Texas Pineywoods east of Rusk in Cherokee County. The property was deeded by the City of Rusk in 1941 and was opened the same year. It is now managed by the City of Rusk.
A memorial to the state's first native born governor, James Stephen Hogg, 1891 - 1895. During his term as state attorney general and governor, Hogg revolutionized state government and private business by strengthening public respect for law enforcement and establishing the Texas Railroad Commission to enforce state anti-trust laws and promote fair business practices.
In this Pineywoods of east Texas, visitors can enjoy wildlife observations and photography of birds, squirrels, and deer on occasion. You can also experience a great variety of trees and shrubs native to East Texas.
Jim Hogg State Park is located near Jacksonville, Rusk
Jim Hogg State Park offers shaded picnic areas with tables and grills. A group pavilion is available for larger gatherings.
The park offers birding opportunities with species like the Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Vermilion Flycatcher and Black-crested Titmouse. Birdwatchers can also spot Northern Cardinals, Blue Grosbeaks, Painted Buntings and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers. The area is home to various types of sparrows including Lark Sparrow and Cassin's Sparrow. Raptors such as Red-tailed Hawks are common too.
Nearby points of interest include, Caddoan Mounds State Historic Site, Mission Tejas State Park, Rusk and Palestine State Parks, Texas State Railroad State Park, Tyler State Park, and Historic Nacogdoches, Texas. Other attractions include Home of the National Archives, Resource/Research Center for Hogg Family Genealogy which hosts the National Hogg Genealogy Workshop and Hogg Family Genealogical Society.
The park is located two miles east of Rusk off Highway 84 East and Fire Tower Road, then to Park Road 50.